Today, decorative ceiling fans are no longer a strange item to us. But there are also different opinions about the advantages of ceiling fans. With more than 10 years of experience in researching and manufacturing high-quality ceiling fans, let Mr. Vu answer your questions!
Decorative ceiling fans create high aesthetics for the house

We often spend a lot of effort to find the best material for the foundation, paint or paving stone for the floor and study hard to decorate the walls or balcony of our house but forget the ceiling. The ceiling is a space where we can add a ceiling fan and create a striking and trendy beauty for our room.
The decorative ceiling fans with different styles from classic to semi-classical and modern by Mr. Vu, selected and manufactured, will be a great and sophisticated choice for your home.
Decorative ceiling fans help us improve our health
One of the questions that Mr. Vu gets most often is “This fan is probably just for decoration, right? But how can its wind be cool?” That is one of the biggest misconceptions about Mr. Vu’s decorative ceiling fans. This is an understandable psychology because other fan lines on the market have made us think that when we do not know the Mr. Vu brand.
Mr. Vu ceiling fan is manufactured completely in Taiwan, the country that produces the best motor in the world, so when the fan operates extremely smoothly, without a sound, creating a wind volume that makes all customers admire whenever the fan is on. Cool yet quiet operation. That is the difference of Mr. Vu ceiling fan compared to other fan models on the market today. The wind of other types is almost electromechanical, creating a large and strong wind that blows directly on people, causing bad effects on health if we use it for a long time, especially the elderly, people who are sensitive to noise. – they will be afraid to have to use those fans all the time. As for other decorative fans, the wind is weak due to the use of poor-quality motors and no clear origin.
Ceiling fans with decorative blades can be used throughout the years

We often think of fans only for decoration and usable in the hot summer. But when we come to Mr. Vu, we will be surprised to learn that ceiling fans can also be used all year round!
One of the special and modern features of Mr. Vu’s ceiling fan is the reverse rotation. This concept is quite new to us because not all ceiling fans have it. We often see ceiling fans spinning counter-clockwise and creating cool breezes. And when the fans rotate in the right direction, it means that they are rotating in the opposite direction and creating a warm breeze, helping to circulate the air in the house when winter comes. In particular, this feature helps our house no longer need to worry about high humidity when the rainy season comes. Just turn on the reverse button, our room has been blown away by the warm wind of the fan, removing the unpleasant humidity and creating a clean and cool atmosphere.
Ceiling fans help save energy, protect the environment
One of the most painful and difficult problems in the world today is the issue of energy saving and environmental protection. Almost every household has an air conditioning and when summer comes, the electricity bill causes us a headache.
Mr. Vu recommends that people should not use the air conditioner much because of health and money problems. Sitting in the air conditioner for a long time can cause the elderly and children to have a sore throat, even illness if they do not exercise. Using ceiling fans in combination with air conditioners will help us save more. Because most of Mr. Vu’s decorative ceiling fans use DC motors to save power up to 70%. We will not need to worry much about health problems and electricity bills anymore when using Mr. Vu’s decorative ceiling fans.