Currently, ceiling fans with lights are the furniture that many Singapore families prefer and choose to use. The blade is made of high-class materials, and the motor is manufactured according to the latest technology, imported from abroad. Thanks to that, the fan always operates smoothly, creating a lot of airflow without making noise. Therefore, most of those who have ever used a ceiling fan with light surely cannot deny the utility that it brings. It not only provides a cool breeze, bringing a pleasant and airy feeling to the user, but also takes on the role of lighting for the home space, making it extremely versatile and unique-integrated 2 in 1. Moreover, this device is currently being paid a lot of attention by manufacturers in the production process, designed with extremely beautiful designs to help homeowners have more options in decorating the indoor space depending on their preferences.
That’s why anyone can’t refuse to own a ceiling fan with light to decorate their home. However, there are also many users who, after purchasing the product, have questions about how to use the ceiling fan with light to achieve the best effect. So, take a look at the following article to find the answer to the above question.
Instructions on how to use a ceiling fan with light
Adjust the direction of fan rotation.
After installing the product, you should adjust it so that the fan has the right rotation angle, suitable for the different climates in each season of the year.
- In the hot summer, you should adjust the fan to rotate clockwise. With this type of rotation, the fan will draw air from the top down and cool every corner of the room, making it much cooler.
- In contrast to summer, on winter days you should turn on the fan to rotate counterclockwise. With this opposite direction, it will help you suck all the air below and push it up so that the room space is well circulated without causing the cold wind to blow on the people in the room.
Note: When you install it, please choose the standard position at the center of the room so that the fan can effectively promote the effect of air cooling. Fan direction is very important to be able to suit different weather conditions.

Check voltage
Voltage is a very important issue that you need to check before using the fan. Ensure your family has a good voltage level to help the ceiling fan with light get the most out of the product.
Proper cleaning of the ceiling fan with light
In order for the device to work well for a long time, you should periodically clean the fan. This not only helps to increase the life of the product but also helps to remove dust and dirt from the fan so that when in use, this dust does not pollute the air in the room.
Cleaning is also quite simple; you just need to prepare a soft, non-hairy towel to clean the lamp so it shines. As for the blades and the fan, you can use a slightly damp cloth to get rid of dust stains for a long time.
Note: When cleaning the ceiling fan with light, make sure the device is not in use and warn family members not to turn on the fan during cleaning. Proper cleaning helps increase the life of the ceiling fan with light.

Tips to save electricity when using a ceiling fan with light
Saving electricity is always something that everyone is aiming for. However, the current ceiling fan with light equipment is equipped with compelling energy-saving features. However, to be able to save energy in the best way, please refer to the following tips:
- When buying a ceiling fan with light, choose a fan with a capacity that is suitable for your family room. If the room you plan to install the product has a small area, then choose models with moderate capacity. Because if the area is small and you equip a fan with too large a capacity, it will consume a lot of power because the area is not necessary to use a large capacity.
- When using the fan, turn it on in moderation. Avoid the habit of always opening the fan at maximum capacity when it is really not needed. Because the faster the fan speed, the more power it will consume.

Using the fan correctly will help save electricity effectively.
Hopefully, the information we have just shared about how to use a ceiling fan with light in the above article will help you gain more experience to be able to use the fan effectively. If your family has not yet installed a ceiling fan with light product, please contact if you have a need to buy and install a ceiling fan with light.